Monday, December 10, 2012

winter wonderland

Winter is here!  We left the Bailey's party at midnight on Sunday morning and the snow hadn't started.  By the time I was up at 7am to prepare my Sunday School lesson, there was a good 3 inches of snow on the ground.  Went to Sunday School and church and came out at noon and there was a good 6 inches on the ground.  Took the kids to a Kids Day Out on the University campus and it dumped more inches on the ground.  Shoveled for a few hours yesterday afternoon and it dumped even more on the ground.  I don't know the total, but the world is now transformed into a winter wonderland.  It is truly beautiful!

I am thankful to report that Brad and O waited to drive home until this morning...the roads are not easy to navigate with all of this snowfall. 

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Today was a fun day at school and home. Our class has been communicating with a class grandparent who drives a semi truck named trucker Bob....